- 电子 electron
- 电子邮件 E-mail
- 电子商务 the e-business
- 乘Tube? Li By Tube?
- 电子杂志 E-journal
- 一位大学教师很可能会用top gun这个词来对学生说: Read this book by Professor Winter---he's a top gun in Shakespeare research.
- 电子书 e-book
- X-Tube下后路腰椎间融合治疗腰椎退变性疾病 Treatment of lumbar degenerative disease with intervertebral cage through the X-Tube system
- 电子产品 electronic product
- GUN图像处理程序,或简称GIMP,是Linux系统最好的数字艺术。 GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP for short, is the best in digital art on Linux.
- 警察:“tube”就是地下铁道,你不知道吗? The Tube is the Underground, don't you know?
- 电子的 electronic
- 经X-tube微创腰椎椎弓根螺钉内固定椎间融合术手术体会 Minimally invasive surgical procedure for lumbar fusion and internal fixation with pedicle screws under X-tube
- 第二届东亚运动会何时、何地举行? Wang took her lead the minute the gun fired. When and where will the 2nd EAG be held?
- 电子设备 electronic aid
- 舌后接触或者靠近软颚发出的音(例如“cat”中的“k”,“gun”中的“g”和“sing”中的“ng”)。 Produced with the back of the tongue touching or near the soft palate (as'k'in'cat'and'g'in'gun'and'ng'in'sing').
- 电子信箱 electronic mailbox
- 电子词典 electronic dictionary
- 电子邮箱 E-mail address
- 电子显微镜 electron microscope